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From: Radu M. Serban <>
Date: Tue, Dec 9, 2008, 10:04 am
Subject: [a] ICE Contacts
O idee, "hand made" pentru un proiect in cadrul Land of Adventure:

Textul unui mass pe messenger, care circula zilele astea este asta de aici
Am fost intrigat initial (prea multe massuri timpite circula pe mess ca sa le mai dau atentie) dar am vrut sa aflu mai multe informatii, pentru ca ideea era interesanta, o avusesem si noi mai demult cind aveam acasa cite o lista cu numerele de telefon de urgenta la fiecare copil, la fiecare plecare pe munte.

Iata ce ne spune Wikipedia:
In case of emergencyA standardized language-independent way to identify a next-of-kin (or other emergency contact) in a mobile handset's directory, in case of an emergency, has in May 2008 been adopted as a new clause in Recommendation E.123.

It proposes to store emergency contact numbers prefixed with arabic numerals in the form "0nxxxx"; "n" is a digit from 1 through 9 and ";xxxx" is any meaningful descriptive character string in any language or script (e.g. "Anna" or "Spouse";).

In the handset's directory this would be displayed as "01Anna" or "01Spouse" enabling easy identification by the emergency services. The handset's directory entry (in the "contact number" field) would contain the actual number of the person to call in case of emergency.[1]

This scheme is a language-independent version of the ICE scheme that became popular in certain parts of the world from 2005 onwards.[2]

In case of emergency (ICE) is a program that enables first responders, such as paramedics, firefighters, and police officers, to identify victims and contact their next of kin to obtain important medical information. The program was conceived in the mid-2000s and promoted by British paramedic Bob Brotchie in May 2005.[1] It encourages people to enter emergency contacts in their cell phone address book under the name "ICE". Alternately, a person can list multiple emergency contacts as "ICE1", "ICE2", etc. The popularity of the program has spread across Europe and Australia, and has started to grow into North America.[2]


Following research carried out by Vodafone that showed that fewer than 25% of people carry any details of who they would like telephoned following a serious accident, a campaign encouraging people to do this was started in May 2005 by Bob Brotchie of the East Anglia Ambulance Service in the UK. The idea has taken off since the July 7, 2005 London bomb attacks.[3]

When interviewed on July 12, 2005 on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme, Brotchie said:

"I was reflecting on some difficult calls I've attended, where people were unable to speak to me through injury or illness and we were unable to find out who they were. I discovered that many people, obviously, carry mobile phones and we were using them to discover who they were. It occurred to me that if we had a uniform approach to searching inside a mobile phone for an emergency contact then that would make it easier for everyone."

Brotchie also urged mobile phone manufacturers to support the campaign by adding an ICE heading to phone number lists of all new mobile phones. In the summer of 2005, ICE-ER, LLC began distributing on its website ( a sticker that serves as a visual alert that an individual has established a communication protocol.


Din pacate, pornind de la o idee frumoasa, totul pe este pur comercial (un sticker e 2 USD) asa ca iata citeva idei pe care ti le propunem noi, free or charge... daca vrei sa le iei in considerare, e alegerea ta:)

1. Alege o persoana responsabila (si care tine foarte tare la tine!!!!), care sa fie "ICE contact"-ul tau (ICE= In Case of Emergency, lasam in engleza aici traducerea pentru IN CAZ DE URGENTA)

2. Informeaza-ti ICE contact-ul ca l-ai ales (cel mai bine e sa ii oferi aceleasi servicii, ca reciprocitate) si da-i scrise pe o eticheta autoadeziva, informatiile care pot afecta tratamentul tau medical. Informatiile strict necesare, Numele, Grupa Sanguina, Medicamente - Lista medicamentelor care le iei, inclisiv tratamentele naturiste care pot interactiona cu unele medicamente. Alergiile tale - la medicamente si la alimente, Doctori - numele si numarul de telefon al medicilor de familie si cei de specialitate care te au sub tratament. Eticheta o lipesti pe partea inferioara a telefonului fix de acasa al ICE-contactului tau sau pe interiorul carcasei telefonului lui mobil (pe interiorul clapei bateriei). Apropo, o idee buna, poti sa iti scrii si tu pe un sticker plasat in interiorul telefonului mobil sau chiar lipit pe baterie, numele, grupa sanguina si un numar de telefon la care salvatorii sa sune in caz de urgenta, chiar "ICE contactul", de care vorbim aici. Nu de alta, dar daca bateria e epuizata si ti-ai mai si parolat telefonul...

3. Adauga ICE contact-ul tau in agenda de telefoane a telefonului tau sub nick-name-ul "01ICE Tata", "02ICE Bunica" samd, te-ai prins. Punind 01 in fata sirului ICE te vei asigura ca numarul va fi primul din lista de numere de telefoane din agenda! Daca nu iti place 01 pune "A ICE Mama" "A ICE Tata"... ideea e aceeasi.

4. Acum, daca vrei, fa-ti un ministicker ICE pe care sa il plasezi pe telefon. Cum logo-ul lor este trade mark (pacat zic eu!), putem sa ne facem si noi ceva asemanator care sa nu le incalce drepturile, dar sa sugereze ideea ICE: pe o foaie A4 de etichete autoadezive, albe listam niste buline rosii cu diametrul de 4...5 mm (e usor le putem scrie si in word, punem niste litere blod albe pe un fond rosu!), care sa aiba textul ICE in interior, boldat, alb. Doua astfel de etichete A4 le punem spate in spate si le plastifiem, dupa care desprindem cele 2 foi. Avem klebere aproape profi, cit sa ajunga la tot orasul:)! Taiem in fisii minicleberele si le decupam cu ajutorul unui perforator, tinindu-l pe dos si fara capacul de colectare a confetiilor, adica sa vedem in spatiul stantei de perforare exact textul ICE, v-ati prins voi, e exact cum facem gaurile foile pt caietele mecanice la care nu mai gasim rezerve, pe baza unei matrite. Lipim acum ministikerul pe carcasa telefonului, undeva unde nu se va rupe usor, eu as zice pe fata telefonului, linga casca. Nu va afecta eleganta telefonului un mic punct rosu (oops sper sa nu fie confundat cu o indianca nemaritata:) si in acelasi timp va fi o infomatie utila, care determina salvatorul sa caute contactele ICE in agenda! Bine-nteles etapa cu stickerul e doar optionala.


Cuvint de incheiere: daca macar o viata este salvata datorita faptului ca v-ati modificat ordinea contactelor in agenda (eu era sa mor din cauza unei reactii alergice la sulfamida si biseptol) atunci am facut fapta buna pe ziua de azi:)... Pa, dragilor!

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