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Data: Luni, 7 Iun 2004, 11:26
Subiect: @ Re: excursii elevi/studenti
Sal lista(ele),

Dupa cum probabil cunoasteti cu totii, la ora asta, Johannis a fost ales de
catre sibieni cu peste 90% dintre voturi, pentru inc aun mandat de
primar... yessss!!!!

Azi voi face un experiment: voi provoca niste dezbateri pe lista, cu
subiecte incitante, care sa provoace un brainstorming virtual... Si
nu vor fi usoare aceste subiecte... Cind epuizam unul, pornim altul,

Sa pornin cu asta: TOM Lesani si voluntariatul...

In urma cu citeva luni cautam informati despre Tatra si cercetasii din
Slovacia si Cehia... pe un site dadeam de
asociatia lor T. O. M. asa numita Asociace
turistick ch odd lu ml de e ER... ca tot veni vorba, Ducele de
Luxembourg, orasul cu care Sibiul va face parteneriat in 2007,
impartind titlul de Capitala Culturala Europeana, este seful
cercetasilor luxembourghezi, asa ca se preconizeaza niste schimburi
de elevi-cercetasi sibieni-luxembourghezi foarte probabile intre
cele 2 "capitale":)...

Tot cotrobaind pe acolo dadusem de un site TOM 2611 LESANI Karvin
care m-a lasat masca... mai apoi am dedus din autocaracterizarea lor
in engleza, ca astia sint tot un fel de cercetasi, insa ceva mai rebeli
(ca si la noi in tara si la ei sint mai multe curente) o caracteristica
fiind prezenta in echipament a camasii insa lipsa esarfei caracteristice...

Pentru ca in multe privinte ni se aseamana (la urma urmei cercetasii
sibieni fiind in esenta tot un club de turism montan pentru tineret peste
care noi aplicam principiile scout) periodic le-am urmarit activitatea,
deseori cu sentimente cel putin contraradictorii: n-am priceput niciodata cum
reusesc oamenii astia sa faca rost de bani pentru ATITEA activitati!

... Pentru ca trebuie spus, cel putin de doua ori pe luna copiii aia
au o activitate... Initial am banuit ca ar fi o casa de copii bine
sponsorizata printr-un program guvernamental... apoi am inceput sa
cred ca studentii aia lideri sint extrem de bine platiti sau au
suficiente facilitati care sa ii motiveze sa faca aceste activitati,
similar elvetienilor care au facilitati la impozite pentru faptul ca
se ocupa de pustime...

... Mai apoi m-am intrebat daca metoda lor de a "vinde" CD-uri cu
imagini din activitatea lor contra donatii nu pune semne de intrebare,
mai ales ca am ramas masca atunci cind, dind o cautare pe "Gogule" le-am
gasit site-ul listat ca legatura pe portaluri ale celor care
colectioneaza imagini cu copilasi... In context, mi-a trecut chiar
prin cap ca unul dintre motivele care ar putea sta la baza activitatilor,
ar putea fi si mentinerea acelui site... dar as fi dezamagit sa ma
conving de acest lucru... totusi incep sa cred ca au o cultura foarte
deosebita de noi (asta apropo si de intimplarea petrecuta in urma cu
15 ani cind noi am pus cutiile de la conserve sub un bolovan iar copiii
cehi care se "lipisera" de grupul nostru in Piatra, le-au scos, bagat
intr-o punga si apoi in rucsacii lor, dindu-ne o palma-lectie pe care am
inteles-o mai tirziu...

Cert este ca activitatea lor este extrarodinara... Au gasit metoda de
a face un site-jurnal-de-bord dinamic, in care isi prezinta fiecare
iesire... Au atita entuziasm incit pot fi sincer invidiati: eu zau ca nu
stiu cind mai pun mina pe carte copiii aia????!!!...

Va invit sa urmariti ultima lor aventura si sa va spuneti parerea legat
de activitatea lor: Cum eu am deseori in ultima vreme senzatia ca toata
activitatea dusa de noi, ca voluntari este cam degeaba, ca e o lupta
cu morile de vint, (nu e nici o aluzie la proiecte interesante precum ma interesaza daca voi puteti
descoperi resorturile care angreneaza asocialtia asta T. O. M.... sincer
sa fiu eu am uneori procese de constiinta cind fac o activitate, daca
nu cumva ar fi fost mai bine sa ii las weekend-ul ala sa invete... e
o dilema morala si vreau sa ma lamuresc... oricum, deocamdata pentru
a ma impaca si pe mine, noi avem o activitate/luna in timpul scolii,
la care participa cine poate/doreste...

Insa daca vom descoperi impreuna reteta care face ca treaba sa mearga
bine la ei, poate o putem aplica si la noi... cine stie?...


PS: o ultima chestie: in Elvetia si cercetasii nostri sibieni au avut o
activitate similara, pe care eu n-as fi facut-o in ruptul capului in
Romania: li s-au dat cite 500 de Franci/patrula si li s-a spus ca "ne vedem
peste 2 zile in satul x"... alta data au fost luati din sacii de
dormit si dusi in padure pe la 1 noaptea si lasati la vreo ora de tabara
si... 50 de metri de granita cu Germania... si tot din astea...
Si kinderii au fost foarte bucurosi sa intre in jocurile astea, erau
de-a dreptul incintati, in timp ce astia mai adulti si mai romani se
pregateau sa albeasca si sa se streseze cumplit:)...

Astfel ca provocarea este lansata: hai sa discutam despre "excursii
elevi/studenti" in munte si ceea ce implica ele... voi >1000 iubitori de
munte veti avea o parere competenta, si ca parinti de viitori iubitori
de munte, si ne veti ajuta pe noi, voluntarii sa intelegem toate
implicatiile, implicatii la care poate nici nu ne gindim...

Site-ul in discutie:

Ultima actiune: Survival

- weekend hike to Beskydy Mts. (May 28-30th 2004)

We have not tried similar hikes for the boys in past years, so we are quite unsure about how to do it. Two days before this hike, the boys got a paper proposition what they should pack into their backpacks and which items are forbidden. Of course after that, the boys were pretty concerned about what sort of hike we were preparing. They do not know any exact information. On Friday afternoon, the troop meets by the railway station. First of all, each boy must unpack his backpack. The leaders are controlling the contents. If the boys have only the items, which are allowed on the proposition, they got 2 days ago. Now we finally tell the boys the truth about this weekend s hike. They will travel in three smaller groups separately, without any adults. They must change trains and find their destination on the map. Each group gets many closed envelopes with more instructions like where to sleep, where to get their breakfast, and where to find lunch. They have maps, so that they are!
able to find all the places, but in reality, it is quite hard to find exactly the altitude, the mountain, etc! Each group of boys in our troop gets tickets for the train with another destination. Before they leave Karvina Condors, Chamoises and Bears get the dinner items for each group: 500g flour, same salt and sugar. That s all!

Allowed items per PERSON are: Clothes, sleeping bag, water, knife, foil. No food, sweets no tents, or money is allowed. Allowed items per GROUP are: Train tickets, Matches, a cooker, 2 mess tins, a map and 1 mobile phone. Their main errand is to find EXACTLY, the place for where to sleep (we even wrote the location of where the boys were to sleep). Then they had to find dinner, to find breakfast and lunch. Finally, on Saturday at 6 pm the groups of boys should be at their destination, where all the three groups should meet with the leaders. They have a 35km journey to spend on their own feet. It doesn t matter if the boys are 9 or 16 years old. All the boys are treated as equals. On Friday at 5pm all the boys were on the trains, while the leaders stood in Karvina. The exciting adventures for the boys have just started! And we leaders have many questions in our heads: Have they correctly got all the proper trains? Did they change trains at the correct places and times? D!
o they find the exact place to sleep?

Before evening also we leaders are driving to the Beskydy Mountains, because we must hide the breakfast at some altitude for each group. And also we would like to find their overnight destination. It was a really crazy idea, because in reality we spent the whole night in the dark mountains. We hid the breakfast for the Bears group first of all, then tried to find them where they are sleeping. But we were unsuccessful. At 1am we (leaders) started a second tour - happy to find the Chamoises group. They were happy sleeping in the top of the hill by altitude. We woke them, gave them breakfast and then quickly disappeared. At 2am, our last tour started, our errand is to locate last group called Condors, they didn t go to the right place, so we did not find them, so we left their breakfast on the hill (they know where to find breakfast, because they have information in the envelope). It is 6am when we leaders go to sleep after our huge night hike. The boys spend the whole of!
Saturday on their feet in the Beskydy Mountains. From time to time we got messages from the boys via cell phone, so we partly know that they are safely on the way. Condors did not find their breakfast, so they will spend whole day without any food until they will find lunch in the afternoon.

The timing went perfect! On Saturday at 7 pm the Condors, Chamoises and Bears all meet together with the leaders at the destination point. Quite surprising for us was that the boys were full of energy! Each group was telling their story. The boys have so many new experiences and I can say that the rest of the day, the boys were telling all their crazy stories. They were laughing, because of course it was a crazy adventure for them. To spend all night with friends, alone in the woods without any adults was really exciting for them. In the late evening we made a fire and made chicken steaks for our adventurers. By 11pm we had a calm camp, with everybody sleeping! Of course after a 30km they are just a little bit tired! It s been a long night. We are waking up between 8 am and 9 am on Sunday. We made breakfast and spend a wonderful sunny, but quite cold day in the campsite playing baseball and airsoft. In the afternoon it was time for some fun by the river and then we were!
leaving the Beskydy Mountains and going home. No doubt it was a most exciting hike for the boys. They will mention their experiences for many weeks. The boys rated this weekend hike with excellent results.
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