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Legislaţie montană - Buletin informativ de mediu, nr. 15 / septembrie – noiembrie 2004

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  • Buletin informativ de mediu, nr. 15 / septembrie – noiembrie 2004
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Buletin informativ de mediu, nr. 15 / septembrie – noiembrie 2004 - Lui Gunter Verheugen ii pasa de Taul Stiol


Reprezentantilor Uniunii Europene le pasa de soarta patrimoniului natural al României, ca patrimoniu european comun!
Lupta surda si de o tenacitate extraordinara cu incompetenta, nepasarea, nesimtirea sau reaua vointa a multora dintre cei platiti de noi toti sa protejeze natura, declansata de mai bine de doi ani de catre un "simplu cetatean" platitor de impozite si iubitor de natura, domnul Petru Goja din Baia Mare, a declansat o reactie normala (normala la ei în Uniunea Europeana) a domnului Günter Verheugen vis-ŕ-vis de distrugerile provocate Taului Stiol din Parcul Natural Rodna, distrugeri mediatizate intens, inclusiv, prin intermediul aceastei publicatii.
Va vom oferi scrisoarea de raspuns a domnului Günter Verheugen vis-ŕ-vis de aceasta problema, pentru ca noi cei marunti si aproape istoviti în lupta cu morile de vânt întru apararea unui colt de parc, a unui sir de copaci sau a unui petec de apa, cu (culmea!) unele personaje mioritice platite foarte bine din bani nostri, inclusiv pentru a proteja toate acestea, sa stim ce pretentii (macar aceea de a primi un raspuns la o petitie) trebuie sa avem fata de cei care îndeobste nu îsi prea tin promisiunile pe care le fac, atunci, când se milogesc penibil pentru un vot sau doua în plus o data la patru ani, si sa speram ca U. E. este un panaceu daca nu universal cel putin cu ace pentru cojoacele unor "functionari" sau "oameni politici", conationali lamentabil esuati în spatele vreunui ghiseu, birou sau vreunei responsabilitati total neîntelese sau ignorate.

Günter Verheugen
Mitglied der Europäischen Kommission
Brussels, D (04) 491

"Dear Dr. Goja,
Thank you for your letter in which you draw my attantion to activities having taken place in the National Park of Rodna Mountains.
Environment protection is a key priority for the European Union, and several Directives have been adopted to this end, including in the fields of nature protection and environmental impact assessmet. At the latest by the date of accession to the E. U., the candidate countries, including Romania, will have to comply with these requirements, in accordance with results of the accession negotiations. In general, compliance with the EU directives will significantly raise the level of environmental protection in the candidate countries. It should also be kept in mind that compliance with EU legislation will considerably strengthen the rights of the public to participate in environmental decision-making.
In the specific case you mention in your letter, conducting an environmental impact study, as foreseen in the Directive, would ensure that all potential effects would be assessed and that a public consultation is organised before any decision is taken. This would also allow the identification of mitigation measures to be implemented in case the decision would be favourable.
The Commission is monitoring closely the preparations of Romania in all policy areas, including environment. On 5 November 2003, the Commission presented its latest Regular Report on Romania's progress towards accession. Acording to it, Romania's overall administrative capacity and financial resources dedicated to the environment sector remain inadequate. If this is not improved it would result in poor implementation of EC environmental policies. Therefore and in order to avoid problems of the kind you mention, the Commission attaches great importance to the need for Romania to strengthen its capacity to be able properly implement the Communitiy rules at the latest by its accession to the European Union. This is a point we take up regularly in our contacts with the Romanian authorities, and I therefore thank you for the information you have provided to us. From a legal point of view, it is, however, important to note that EU legislation will fully apply in Romania only from the date of its accession to the EU.
The EU Council of 24 September 1998 invited Candidate Countries to ensure that all new investmant should comply with EU environmental legislation. In particular, Romania should comply with the Directive on Environmental Impact Assessment, which implies that decisions should be taken on the basis of full information, and in consultation with all affected groups. The Commissionn has regularly raised this point in the context of the negotiations, and I can assure you of our intention to continue to do so in the future."

Doru Banaduc - Sibiu

Autor: ONG Ecotur Sibiu
Înscris de: Daniel Verniş
Vizualizări: 5606, Ultima actualizare: Joi, 23 Sep 2004

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