Şa Vioreanul

Submitted by: Glen Harrison
Şa Vioreanul
Publishing date: : Mar 18, 2005, views:: 1221
Geographic location: România, Muntii CAPATINII, Varful Vioreanul
Album (slideshow): Muntii Capatinii
Used equipment: Canon S1 IS
Description: Vioreanu saddle.
Glen Harrison - Personal gallery
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Fără foto Ovidiu Serban, Tue, Mar 22, 2005, 1:55 pm

Buila is one of the most beautiful carpathian mountain ranges. I ve rarely seen such huge beech trees as here. Unfortunately, the trees are cut down. But, fortunately, Buila was declared National Park last november.
Where did you sleep -at the new chalet Cheia or at one of the two monasteries -Pahomie, Patrunsa?

Glen Harrison Glen Harrison, Tue, Mar 22, 2005, 3:31 pm

"Chalet Cheia?" Sounds romantic! Isn't that just a forestry canton?
Anywho, I slept in my bed at home.:-)

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Comments submitted by Glen Harrison
 1-20 from 28
  > [21-28]
Când în România...
Glen Harrison
Da, e foarte fine! Good luck to you too!
Feb 1
Sorin Rechiţan
The "weatherman" is at it again. Nice job!
Sep 14
România? Nu, Great Smoky Mountains, Carolina de Nord
Glen Harrison
Mostly eu vorbesti rom-gleaza!:-D
Sep 9
Soarele eu si ceata in ac. ordine
Adrian Enescu
Cool, huh? See my Photo, "Brocken Spectre".:-o
Sep 6
Şa Vioreanul
Glen Harrison
"Chalet Cheia?" Sounds romantic! Isn't that just a forestry canton?
Anywho, I slept in my bed at home.:-)
Mar 22
La fotograf...
Claudiu Szabo
Nice photo!
Mar 22
Sequoia în Maramureş
Ubelhart Coralia Monica
Sequoia mic! Nice pic.:-)
Mar 22
Cascada, Curcubeul
Feri Teglas
Steag romana!:-)
Mar 21
Unde mergeţi...?
Glen Harrison
Uhh...hello everyone!
Mar 21
Parc de Sculptură
Glen Harrison
"It's fr-fr-frigging freezing!":-)
Mar 12
Glen Harrison
Beer nuts!
(for Dan!):-)
Mar 10
Snow Blow
Glen Harrison
Eu citesc bine, dar nu scris buna (evident)...:-)
Mar 10
Wind and Snow
Glen Harrison
Uhh...no, not really. Uzbekcha gapiraciz? (Do you speak Uzbek?)
Mar 10
Vânt Înainte Primăvară
Glen Harrison
Cool, and COLD!
Mar 10
Vf. Cozia
Glen Harrison
Actually, I think I've got my compression set too high, thus larger file size to resolution ratio. Sorry, I'll try to correct in the future!:-)
Mar 10
Vf. Cozia
Glen Harrison
I've not got a very good photo editor and I always seem to run into the 80kb limit way before 600pix. I don't know what happened to this pic. I uloaded a 75kb file and here is says it's 33kb. Nu stiu...
Mar 9
Glen Harrison
You say coroana, I say corona (tomatoe, tomato; potatoe, potato...):-)
Mar 5
Glen Harrison
Sastrugi is a russian word: 'zastrugi' and it is perfect pentru plimbare in iarna!
Also see: http://nsidc.org/snow/gallery/sastrugi1.html
Mar 5
Reach for the Moon
Glen Harrison
Thanks, Domnule Axon! (cititi cu voce tare si...):-)
Feb 23
Catch Her if You Can!
Glen Harrison
I had hoped to clean the foto up a bit (imi pare rau Cristian)..."Least" (white on top of paw) as opposed to Longtail or Shorttail weasels.:-)
Feb 23
Comments submitted by Glen Harrison
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