
Submitted by: Summit CH
Publishing date: : Nov 26, 2007, views:: 1109
Geographic location: Elveţia
Album (slideshow): Switzerland
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cosmin andrei cosmin andrei, Mon, Nov 26, 2007, 9:21 pm

sunt frumoase reflexiile astea:-)

georgel curte georgel curte, Tue, Nov 27, 2007, 1:07 am

nu prea vad zapada pe acolo. oare de ce?
poza e faina:-D

Summit CH Summit CH, Tue, Nov 27, 2007, 6:01 pm

Hi Georgel, the Photo had been taken at the end of oktober this year. And you are right - there had not been snow at that time. This changed now in the last two weeks...:-D

Bogdan Singeorzan Bogdan Singeorzan, Sat, Jul 31, 2010, 9:07 am

ar fi fost mai frumoasa poza cu o incadrare mai inalta, fara pietroaiele alea:), oricum reflexiile de genul sunt in topul preferintelor mele

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Comments submitted by Summit CH
Winter in Switzerland...
Summit CH
Yeah I know that and love the Romanian cabanas. Most of them are really nice and cosy places. But sadly some are now lacking money and miss the necessary investments.

Here in Switzerland the opposite is happening: Some of the huts are becoming more and more like "mini mountainhotels. I recently visited a mountain hut, which had at 2500 m hot showers, and a bubble bath... Thats strange for me. But you can still find rustic, wooden shelters, which are pretty much like they were 40 years ago.

But anyway the good thing is - most huts are open over the winter. They are unguarded and you have to put your money for your stay in a deposit box in the cabin. The whole system is based on mutual trust. Mostly the problem is then to reach the huts when there is a lot of snow, which can be difficult.
Dec 1
Old Village in southern Tessin
Summit CH
Hi Catinca,

the photo had been taken in a small village called "Doro" just above Chironico, which again si in the Valle Leventina (the main valley in Ticino where the Gotthard-highway is located.
Dec 1
Winter in Switzerland...
Summit CH
Yeah, I know how it is at Barcaciu... Have been there last winter. But you can also here in Switzerland find some remote farms or alpine huts, which are more rustic. For example at the "Bristen" Valley, there you find a tourist-dormitory, which looks pretty much like a Romanian Cabana. Its like time stands still there. But this farm in the Foto of course is very shiny...:-D
Nov 30
Summit CH
Hi Georgel, the Photo had been taken at the end of oktober this year. And you are right - there had not been snow at that time. This changed now in the last two weeks...:-D
Nov 27
Pirin II
Summit CH
Sorry for answering in english, but my romanian is still very basic...
Yes, its really a nice lake, its at the middle of Pirin.
Feb 3
Summit CH
Hi Cosmin!

Yes, it was really a nice holiday over there. The picture was taken in Rila-Nationalpark. We camped at this place for a night. Just some 30 minutes after this photo a massive thunderstorm hit us.
Jan 28
Summit CH
eh, could you perhaps repeat in english or german? (I´m from Germany andabout to learn some romanian, but at the moment I just understand a few words romanian)
Jul 28
beautiful day in the Bucegi
Summit CH
@Christian Axon:

Actually I did not fire the flash. I don´t know why it´s in the EXIF. My EXIF-Viewer says: "Flash not fired".
Mar 12
View from the Pestera Village to the Bucegi
Summit CH
Multilingual here...


If everything here would be in english (or even better german) it would be a lot easier for me...

But you are right the Post is better for personal communication, but my sister has been in Pestera just a week later, but everything was foggy:-(
Mar 12
Summit CH
@ Alina

Oh..the horse actually was a "She"....:-D:-D:-D
Dec 4
Mountain Church
Summit CH
oh, this "foarte" and "este" is quite simple..:-) (I had some latin in school...)

More difficult is it for me to understand the written mountain guides ("ghid touristic") on this site: The long texts in the style "when you see the big river turn left.." are impossible for me to unterstand...:?
Dec 3
to heaven? this way..
Summit CH
It´s near the weather station in the Ceahlau. Some hundert meters away there is this ladder - leading to one of the highest peaks of the Ceahlau mountains (don´t exactly know the name of this mountain:-()
Dec 2
Camping in Leoarta
Summit CH
Your name doesn\'t indicate you as a native German,
can also be Romanian, and I thought it was someone trying to fool us.

It´s the first time I hear my name sounds romanian... Perhaps the best motivation to learn more romanian!

No problem for your comment. I know it´s not so often that people from other countries post pictures on

But for me it was a helpfull site when I planed my last tours trough the romanian mountains. Here you find all the routes, together with pictures, weather...

Even when most of the time I just understood very few of the informations.

So please, please alpinet: Find someone who translates this site in english.!!!:-D:-D
Dec 2
Summit CH
I was searching my way trough the Leoarta mountains (it is not so good marked) and when I was almost about to finally get totally of my way, then I this guy came with his horse. I tried to explain that I wanted to walk to the Bucegi mountains. He understood and then we walked for almost two hours together.

When we finally almost arrived I took this photo.
Dec 2
Camping in Leoarta
Summit CH
Sorry, i was to quick during my writing... But I corrected it.

I would like to write in romanian. But I´m from Germany and I am just about to learn some basic romanian. It will still take years until I can write some sentences in romanian.

I really like the alpinet site and would like to unterstand more of the texts. At the moment I can just unterstand few of the informations. What about a english or even better: german version of the site? Then I could write in german....:-D
Dec 2
Comments submitted by Summit CH
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