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De la: Codruta <>
Data: Marţi, 1 Apr 2003, 3:47
Subiect: @ Declaratie pentru Kiev - zone montane

Intre 21 - 23 martie, la Sinaia, s-a desfasurat o intalnire internationala a ONG interesate de problemele montane; intalnirea avea ca scop pregatirea unei declaratii pentru conferinta interministeriala de la Kiev (mai 2003) "Environment for Europe".

ONG participante au elaborat declaratia care se doreste adoptata ca rezolutie in cadrul Conferintei; pentru aceasta ea trebuie sa aiba "greutatea" conferita de cat mai multi semnatari.

Regret ca nu cunosc engleza la un nivel care sa-mi permita s-o traduc in lb. romana - dar sunt convinsa ca veti intelege despre ce este vorba:)

Dat fiind ca adoptarea declaratiei poate fi un inceput ("un pas mic pentru... ":) pentru a directiona politicile la nivelul fiecarei tzari europene, cred ca nu trebuie sa va mai spun ce ar insemna adoptarea ei, pentru evitarea in viitor a unor situatii gen Rosia Montana sau altele (paduri, vanat, crucile de pe Toaca etc.:); va rog, deci, sa o semnati cat mai multi (semnaturile mi le puteti trimite electronic pe adresa asta, pana la 15 aprilie, pentru ca timpul este destul de scurt); Ionut Luca (secretarul ARIN) a incercat sa colecteze niste semnaturi si la Festivalul Alpin din week-endul trecut dar deocamdata participantii inca se mai gandesc - ii asteptam, desigur:). Evident, la un moment dat vor fi necesare semnaturile si pe hartie insa, pana una-alta, timpul scurt face sa ne limitam la varianta electronica.

Atasat aveti si o lista cu legislatia cunoscuta pana acum ca avand tangente cu problemele zonelor montane.

Va multumesc mult,


Europe's Mountains are important not only for the 30 million people who live in them but also for those who live in the lowlands, because of their water resources, biological and cultural diversity, opportunities for recreation, and provision of sources of livelihood such as food, timber and minerals. It is also essential to keep peace and stability in Europe's mountains.

We, the undersigned, mountain representatives, NGOs and institutions from listed countries recommend that governments, development agencies and civil society work together to implement actions at regional, national and European levels:

a.. Create, promote and implement sustainable development policies and programmes in Europe's mountains, that integrate environmental, economic, social, cultural and gender-sensitive concerns.
a.. Create mountain related legislation, including delimitations of the mountain areas.
These should strengthen a common European trans-sectoral approach to the management of European mountains, building on existing policy statements and initiatives *.

With respect to the following themes, we recommend the following actions:


a.. Minimize the loss of biodiversity and ensure its sustainable use, integrating this issue into other sectoral policies such as forestry, agriculture and tourism.
a.. Realise continuous monitoring and a deeper understanding of ecosystems, complemented by education and awareness rising on biodiversity issues.
a.. Focus on the protection of the functionality of ecosystems, integrating programmes to preserve key species and rare, threatened and endemic species.
a.. Base conservation on the establishment of functional networks of Mountain Protected Areas and the sustainable use of biodiversity around these areas.

a.. Ensure easy access to public services and decentralize public institutions.
b.. Promote mechanisms for the participation and full involvement of mountain populations and other stakeholders from the initial stages of decision-making processes, including the creation of service cooperatives.
a.. Provide means to prevent depopulation of mountain areas.
b.. Improve capacity building for mountain people through specific trainings and education.
c.. Maintain and support traditional knowledge and practices that promote the basis for sustainable development.
a.. Ensure ethnic minorities and gender equity through appropriate programmes.

a.. Promote new jobs and opportunities in mountain areas by providing access to funds and professional education for mountain people.
a.. Establish the rural infrastructure (access roads, communication, water, services) without damaging the rich mountain biodiversity and sensitive areas.
a.. Develop sustainable forms of tourism such as eco and agrotourism and promote small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and rural development to prevent rural out-migration.
b.. Provide access for farmers to subsidies and low-interest loans, technologies for producing and processing ecological products and compensation for natural handicaps.
a.. Create support institutions specific to mountain economies, including research organizations.


a.. Value traditional knowledge and integrate cultural heritage in all development initiatives, taking into account the equitable participation of local and ethnic groups concerned with this heritage.
a.. Promote the creative use of the cultural heritage in order to produce income and develop related education and awareness-raising programmes about the importance of the natural and cultural heritage.
a.. Use the traditional know how of mountain populations to raise awareness of the importance of the mountain life.
The successful implementation of all actions within the four paragraphs will be best realised by promoting and developing international cooperation, networking, sharing of data and information on specific issues, and different cross border projects. This implies the need to allocate specific financial mechanisms to Europe's mountain regions.

It is specifically important to use an integrated approach and to disseminate analyses of good and bad practices. This is essential so that know how can be transferred through increased cooperation between NGOs and official bodies, taking into account the need to express local specifities.

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- Chapter 13 of Agenda 21 (Managing fragile ecosystems: sustainable mountain development), and in the Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (E/CN.17/2000/6/Add.3);

- Convention on Biological Diversity (Rio de Janeiro, 1992);

- Protocol on Biosafety (Cartagena, 2000);

- Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Helsinki, 1992);

- Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Ramsar, 1971);

- Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters(Aarhus, 1998);

- Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo, 1991);

- Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats(Bern, 1997);

- Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (Paris, 1972);

- Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals(Bonn, 1979);

- Agreement on the Conservation of European Populations of Bats (EUROBATS, 1991);

- Pan European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy;

- United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (New York, 1992);

- NATURA 2000 and the Emerald networks;

- Directive 2000/60/EC of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy ("WFD";);

- Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora("Habitat Directive";);

- Council Directive 79/409/EEC of 2 April 1979 on the conservation of wild birds ("Bird Directive";);

- Directive 2001/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 March 2001 on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms;

- Resolution S4 "Adapting the Management of Mountain Forests to New Environmental Conditions" from the MCPFE - Ministerial Conference on the Protection on Forests in Europe (Strassbourg, 1990);

- Convention on the Protection of the Alps "Alpine Convention" (Vienna, 1991)

- Convention for the Protection and Sustainable Management of the Carpathians "Carpathian Convention"

Let me, at least, to know that she'll try
Then she'll be a true love of mine

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