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[04.02] IZFAGETEL2 - IZ AMENAJ FIRAV TROACA POIANA FAGETEL BILBOR Latitude: 47.05778, Longitude: 25.54798 [04.02] IZFAGETEL1 - IZ AMENAJ TROACA POIANA FAGETEL BILBOR Latitude: 47.0572, Longitude: 25.54316 [06.01] IZBATCANED - iz amnj troaca 450mSV de vf BatcaNedeii Latitude: 47.3158, Longitude: 25.74006 [06.01] IZFUNDSUHA - iz neamenaj inceput parau Suha (Suha cred) Latitude: 47.30911, Longitude: 25.74254
[29.10] Campu lui Neag - Vf. Vacarea - Traseu de acces spre Vf. Vacarea peste Plaiul Lazarului. Urmareste poteci pe aproape intreaga durata, exceptie facand iesirea spre Vf. Lazarului care... [07.10] Cheile Tisitei - Traseu prin Cheile Tisitei, din apropiere de Lepsa si pana la iesirea din tunelul intre Tisita Mica si Tisita Mare. Se parcurge in aprox. 2h. De la...
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[Jan 5] Are cineva o harta Mtii Bistritei DIMAP....scanata? nu o mai gasesc de cumparat, nici un magazin nu pare sa o mai aiba pe stoc. Dau la schimb alta... [ All requests] [Mar 25] Salutare, am de vanzare doi pioleti Petzl Quark. Vedeti pret si poze aici:... [ All offers]
[01/11] Data publicării:: 6 Feb 2006, vizualizări:: 5555
Gata, te-am trecut de cifra superrotunda:D [ Entire comment]
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[12.08] Creasta Fagarasului by Cosmin Cretu, in the section Diaries Pentru tura asta m-am hotarat sa fac o prezentare gen "Bob", chiar
daca pozele nu sunt asa de aratoase ca ale lui din diverse motive (un
jaf de aparat foto, vreme proasta, Alex nu stie sa faca poze,
Am plecat din Bucuresti marti 26.08 doar eu cu Ioana, urmand sa ne
intalnim cu Alex in Podu Olt. El a venit direct de la Cluj, drept
pentru care a trebuit sa ii facem noi bagajele si sa-i caram rucsacul
pana cand am dat de el. Ca sa ajungem acolo cu trenul, am schimbat la
Brasov (desi eu as fi preferat sa mergem pe alta ruta...).
In gara la Podu Olt, Alex si Ioana (pe care de acum inainte o sa o
numesc "Duracell"):
Inainte sa plecam spre Turnu Rosu a luat foc o sina de cale ferata:
stati asa! .... sa vina garda! si a venit unu' sa stinga focul,
uitati-va la el ce "profesor" e:
De la Podu Olt se marsaluieste pe jos spre Turnu Rosu: "Soldat!
Privirea la mine!"
Apus la Manastirea Turnu Rosu, unde am dormit in prima noapte.
Calugarii ne-au lasat sa punem cortul langa manastire si ne-au dat si
niste pepene.
A doua zi dimineata incepem urcatul... vreme un... [Complete article][12.11] Post nou [draft] Luni, 12 Nov 2018, 3:34 by Doi Nomazi, in colectiile de-ale lui Doi Nomazi While some plans work well to the smallest details and other plans are completely derailed by unforseen circumstances, adaptability and teamwork remain the only means to move forward. We visited “Bluie East Two”, a former US Army base from World Wor II located in East Greenland, in 2014 and four years later, in 2018, we decided to retrace our steps and find the echoes of a kiss shared at the Blue Hut. The endeavor reminded us how precious the time we spend together is and how important it is to embrace graciously whatever nature, or fate, throws at you. We tried to balance the magical solitude of Greenland with a fast paced road trip through Iceland. Thank you for taking the time to come along and share the glimpses of our 167 minute long video diary. Please, don't forget to click on the "HD" letters and choose the 1080p for the best viewing quality. ... [Complete article][16.10] Iezer Papusa | Draga, plec cu baietii la un iezer by Doi Viezuri, in colectiile <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> [Complete article][11.03] Post nou [draft] Sâmbătă, 11 Mar 2017, 23:46 by Doi Nomazi, in colectiile de-ale lui Doi Nomazi You are invited to screen in the comfort and safety of your favorite armchair the most recent video diary from “Doi Nomazi” aka Captain Seasick and Captain Grumpy. "Qivittoq- 2016" will allow you to become part of the Scoresbysund trip and participate to the many details of their journey. We tried to offer you the most complete and detailed immersion into the experience. You may feel the excitement that animates each of their steps, you may feel the glacial embrace of the distant northern breeze and, if you listen carefully, you may even hear your own heartbeat as you start dreaming of a similar trip. Please, don't forget to click on the "HD" letters and choose the 1080p for the best viewing quality. ... [Complete article]